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I made this site of my homepage with the hope, that I can find out, where the sister of my mother dissapeared, where her childs are.

Her name was Ruth Erna Nora Thaller, maiden-name:  BÖER, also BOER, she was born in 1921, December, 9, in Silesia, in a little town named Alt-Schliesa, also named Alt-Schlesing, near the big town Breslau.

Her father was Paul Heinrich BÖER, her mother was Martha, maiden-name: KURZBUCH.

Martha BÖER died 1941 in Breslau, Paul Heinrich BÖER died 1966 in Berlin.


Ruth Erna Nora Thaller  left Germany in the year 1956 with a ship from the town Hamburg. She went to  Canada. When she was going to Canada, she was divorced.


Many years ago her brother Helmut tried to find her. But he can't. Nobody from her family did ever hear something again from her.


On this foto you can see the mother of Ruth Erna Nora BÖER or BOER.


And this was her father:


Maybe someone from her family is interested in genealogy and read this. Then I would be very glad, to hear from you! For writing me, please click on "Kontakt" on the left side down on this site.

Please, forgive my bad English!





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